Saturday 18 September 2010

18/09/2010: Update

I know I said last time, and the time before that, that there would be no more delays, but as per usual, there has been. Holidays, work, broken internet, and screenwriting have all taken their toll, but I'm finally back on track.

So what's happening in the next few weeks?

Well I'll be posting my Takeshi Kitano reviews later on TONIGHT, be officially accepting the award Sammy V has very kindly decided to nominate me for, as well as plenty more reviews to come, and a new layout to grace the pages of my blog.

But the majorly exiting thing is the revealing of my first list, which I'm constantly fallng out with myself about, so there might be a slight delay with that (but not much... hopefully).

I shall no longer be using the pseudonym of Dean Window anymore I'm sad to say, and will be going by my real name, of James Turnbull.

I hope you enjoy everything that'll be coming over the next few weeks, and would really appreciate any criticism (positive or negative).

