In today's entertainment hungry society, it is very rare for a film to come along and instantly be considered a classic. But how do we define a classic? A wholly original, magnificently acted piece of cinema, with stellar soundtrack and beautifully crafted dialogue to boot? And just think how difficult this criteria is to achieve, taking into account how many plots, characters, and shots we've had come and go since the dawn of film. You'd be pretty certain this cinematic status is near impossible to achieve. Right?
Inception is the new film by Christopher Nolan, and his first completely original piece of work since his feature film debut, Following. The film is essentially a heist movie with a twist, in which Cobb (DiCaprio) and Arthur (Gordon-Levitt) steal people's deepest secrets by effectively invading their dreams. The film takes a U-turn though when Saito (Watanbe) offers Cobb a chance to regain his previous life, by planting an idea in someones head, instead of stealing once. Hence the title; Inception.
Everything about this film is almost flawless, but despite two viewings, I'm still finding it difficult to see whether this is the case, due to the initial awe the film inspires in the viewer. This could perhaps warrant a second reflection in a few weeks time, which might result in a slightly more neutral result, but hopefully not.
What's good?
Nolan's firm grasp on the art of story telling is very much apparant in Inception. Not only does the film pack a knockout punch of originality, and intricate detail, but it also operates on several levels, leaving the viewer to distinguish between the dream world and reality. This is what makes the film special, because as well as amazing you, it will stimulate your mind, causing you to think it over for hours, even days after you've seen it. Especially the ending. I guarantee it will drive you crazy.
Away from the script and story, the casting and performances are the best I've seen in ages. Similarly to the Godfather there isn't a bad performance, and although in most cases we may not feel as endeared towards less prominent characters as we are with Fredo and Sonny, it is impossible to ignore how convincing the performance are. I've already picked Leo for best actor this year, and possibly Ellen Page, who was robbed from best actress for Juno.
Despite the new found obession of 3-D cinema, especially after the success of James Cameron's 'Avatar', you'd have thought Inception would have followed suit. Wrong again. Nolan himself is not a fan of 3-D, and many think because of this the film will suffer visually. Trust me - this is not the case. Overflowing with amazing CGI and some really awe-inspiring photography, Inception is the years the most impressive film, especially on the big screen. Definitely worth taking a trip down to your nearest IMAX for.
The soundtrack is also something that Nolan and Zimmer have triumphed with, and when played through the cinema sound system, it really does give you goosebumps, from the sheer ferociousness of the gunfire, to the haunting music.
What's bad?
Not an awful lot to be honest.
The plot has come under scrutiny, and yes there are some holes here and there. It's not something you're going to fully understand straight away, which in a way can be frustrating, but is really aided by a second viewing, and a good explanation, several of which can be found online. The plot itself isn't that bad, but the minor details about dream levels and how it all work can be slightly dizzying at times.
And although the performances are great, and as an audience we do feel sympathy towards Cobb, the other characters appear quite shallow on the screen, in terms of their backstory and personality. This is a double edged sword though, and one could argue it helps the ambiguous and mysterious nature of the film.
Inception is a major triumph, not only for Nolan, but for film itself. Not once did I take my eyes off the screen, and very few films manage to command and capture that high level of attention. It will no doubt be remembered as a classic of our generation, as well in the history of film. It is by no means the best film ever made, but it is the closest we've had in years.
You have to see this film.
Rating: 5/5.
Verdict: The good.
I'm completely enjoyed this film. Truly one of the best of 2010 if not 'The Best'.
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