Wednesday 21 July 2010

Take... erm... what take are we on again?

It's funny how I always seem to be busier in holidays than I am in term time. There's definitelty something wrong there. But hopefully now everything is calming down a bit now, so I should get plenty of time for blogging and reviews.

So whats been keeping me? Well. Between the last time I posted and now, I've turned 20, completed the IMDb 250, restarted driving, been trying to catch up with all my Telford friends, been working, and sorting out various forms of finance. It's been a bit of a whirlwind.

But now everything seems to be sorted, I can start breathing some life into this seriously malnutrioned blog. In the next few days I'll get my review of the Godfather trilogy posted, as well as special on Inception, packed with my thoughts and reactions to it.

This will be the last time I leave my blog for so long. Scouts honour!



Sammy V said...

Love your reviews, here's an award to add some happiness to your site-the Happy 101.